
dimecres, 18 de setembre del 2013

A flower for the Enemy - Musical in Karben


Musical play's title: A Flower for the enemy

Authors: G. Casentini - V. Rotondo (IT)

Translation from italian to English: St. Soubassi (GR)

Composer: V.Rotondo (IT)

Number of Scenes: 11

Drama Director and assistants: Arnaud Alzat-Laly (FR)

Assistant directors: Sarah Delaby-Rochette and Margot Petro (FR)

Poland prepared scene 1

Actors: Radek Szydlowski, Karolina Skora, Mateusz Skora, Julia Majorczyk
Czech Republic prepared scene 2

Actors: Lukas Hyka, Anna Kratochvilova, Vojtech Mrklas, Marketa Nemeckova,
Germany prepared scene 3

Actors from Germany: Adrian Bonke, Isabeau Kunter and Vanessa Rosenkranz.
France and Spain prepared scene 4, 5 and 6li>

Actors from France: Julie Reyne was playing Angelica in scenes 4 & 6, Lucie Charrel was playing Marco in scene 4, Valentine Poncet was playing Marco in scene 6, Lucile Teyssedou was playing the neighbour in scene 6

Actors from Spain: Imma García Roman, Alba Ortiz Torres, Ignasi Robert Vich, Meritxell Vizcaíno Cánovas
Italy ( Chieti and Nettuno ) prepared scene 7, 8 and 9

Actors: Sara Papile (IT), Davide Quaranta (IT), Stefano Difederico (IT), Andrea Zuccarini (IT), Federico Malzone (IT), Grazia Rocci (IT), Sasha Genito (IT), Giorgia de Luca (IT)
Greece prepared scene 10

Actors: Vassiliki Tsichritzi (GR) and Harry Ioannides (GR)
Cyprus prepared scene 11

Actors: Kyriakos Droussiotis (CY), Giannis Theofanous (CY), Rafaella Antoniou (CY)

The different characters were played by different students in different scenes.

The German Team prepared the instrumental part of the songs.

Choir - Music Director: Holger (DE), Veronika (DE)

Songs and Music: Max (IT), Giorgia (CY)

Backstage management: Julie Reyne (FR)

Costumes and props: Lucie Charrel (FR), Sabina (DE)

Headsets: Valentine Poncet (FR), Giannis Theofanous (CY) and Vassiliki Tsichritzi (GR)

Settings installations: Lucile Teyssedou (FR)

Camera, Video and Movie composition: Sebastian Allroggen, Patrick Jordan

Scene 8 - Alba Ortiz's Script on Stage in Valence

Actors: Elena Costa, Lisa Di Febbo, Antonio Spasiano, Evi Hadjipieri, Isabeau Kunter, Zoe Qesko, Hannah Sting
Director: Arnaud ALZAT-LALY
Text written by Alba Ortiz, year 8, Vallbona d'Anoia

Human Rights Eve and Salvador Espriu Remembrance

On 21st June 2013 we celebrated the traditional yearly dinner at school to close the school year with families, students, teachers and staff. It was held outside at the school’s football playground on a full moon night and it was called “The Eve of Human Rights” because music, poems and dances which students represented on stage were all vindicating our human rights, especially the rights to freedom of thought, education and home.

The Comenius team also presented our closure video on Comenius, which we will upload very soon, where our principal, students, parents, and teachers involved in this Comenius project talk about their experiences and the project’s impact on school and on their lives.

Since it was the anniversary of the birth of Salvador Espriu (1913-1985), one of our best Catalan poets, some of his poems denouncing the lack of freedom of thought and speech and the violation of human rights during the Franco’s dictatorship in Spain were read and interpreted by our students while other students played or danced to the music. On these links below you can learn more about our universal poet.

We also said goodbye to some of our most compromised students in this Comenius project finishing their studies at our high school. You’ll remember the twins Elena and Mariona, and also Aleth and Sara. Apart from being great individuals, they have participated in several Comenius mobilities and most interestingly, they have drawn three mini-projects of action in the framework of Comenius to improve the lives of our educative community and bring human rights to life in SES Vallbona.

Below you can see some pictures on the “Eve of Human Rights” at SES Vallbona d’Anoia.

And some videos:

Conclusions from Vallbona's teachers

Amparo Garcia - Spanish team coordinator

Translation from Catalan into English 
Hello! I’m Amparo Garcia, head of studies in this school, as well as the (Spanish) Comenius coordinator together with my beloved Carmen Flores.
Before saying some thank-you words to everybody, I would like to sum up how this lovely relationship between the Comenius project and this high-school took place. It all started in the spring of 2010, when the leader team of our school thought and decided to open its doors to new national and international projects, finding in the Comenius projects one of the best options for our students to travel abroad, improve their languages, became more mature, cooperate with foreign countries and became in the end discerning and tolerant students.
In September 2010 we begun to look for possible matches and we found a German led project about the Human Rights through music, poetry and art, which we decided to join up. Carmen Flores and I attended the preparatory visit in Karben in November 2010, and we prepared the 67-sheet document needed to hand over in Madrid.
On the first days of July 2011 we received two great announcements: Madrid had approved the project and we had the maximum number available for student’s mobilities (20).
The participant countries where about to be German, The Czech Republic, Poland, France, two schools from Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Spain and, unfortunately, a Romanian school whose country did not concede the required approval for participation, and failed to join the project.
The experience during these two years has been really incredible and thus, I want to give some thank-you words. First of all, thanks to the students who took an attempt in the different competitions to win mobilities as well to the students who were selected to join the project. Thanks for being so incredible, we are really proud of you because you proved we can take you everywhere, making us feel really good among you in every meeting, and for the great role you played all the time. Thanks also to all the participant Comenius teachers we’ve met in every meeting, because we’ve found really good friends in you, thanks to our school partners who covered our lessons while we attended the meetings, and also to the crazy teachers who didn’t hesitate to take part in this project in a very dynamic way. In the third place, I would like to give thanks to the families, because you entrusted us leaving your children in our hands, for the help you offered when we needed you, and also for being there all the time helping us to construct a better education for your children.
I want to give special thanks to Carmen Flores, the alma mater in this project. Without her, you can believe me when I say this project would have been really hard, so… THANK YOU Carmen!
And that’s all I wanted to say to you, I hope you have enjoyed the experience through your schoolmates and children. We have asked for a new Comenius project for the next two years, if we are lucky. Have a nice summer, take some rest, enjoy all the time and refill your batteries because we will meet next September. Kisses!

Carmen Flores - Spanish team coordinator

Susanna Farré - Vallbona d'Anoia's High School Headmistress

Translation from Catalan into English
Hello! I’m Susanna Farré, the high school principal here in Vallbona. I was invited to participate in this video edition and it’s my turn to represent all the appreciation for this work done by all the members.
First of all I would like to congratulate the students who decided to take part in this project. Maybe they were unconscious of the whole project at first, but they achieved to widen their knowledge and they also made us realise of how valuable our work is as teachers.
On the other hand I want to recognise and appreciate the entirely implication of the whole team of teachers along this two Comenius years. Special thanks to the coordinators but also to all the teachers who have dedicated a large amount of hours working in and out the school, and to the teachers who went with our students abroad to attend the meetings.
Travelling abroad visiting the Comenius partners’ countries has allowed us to collect little pieces of each culture, traditions and different ways to act. We’ve learned about their educative systems and we’ve realised we are also doing quite well, but we’ve also seen how to improve in other issues, because this project has given us a European scope difficult to obtain if not under the Comenius conceiving.
Finally I just want to express gratitude to all the people, like students and families who contributed to this project and made it possible. Maybe it’s true that there’s a sixth sense because this gratitude can be noticed in the atmosphere among us. That’s all from me, so THANK YOU and I encourage to everyone.

Teachers' reflections (Joan Pere Roselló and Pilar Rodríguez)

Conclusions from Vallbona's students

Greetings from Vallbona

Student's reflections

Farewell time!


Final Resolution

It the final meeting in Karben, on 19th April 2013 all the partner schools agreed on a common resolution for our schools, local and national institutions and governments, as well as for the European Commission, reflecting our commitment for the respect and promotion of all human rights regardless of sex, class, race, religion, opinion or any other issue.